Japanese Woodblock Prints

We have a collection of fascinating Japanese Woodblock Prints in the gallery. See them below, and get in touch (gallery@cavershampictureframer.co.uk) if you’d like any information on framing them!


'City', copperplate etching and aquatint A.P edition, Mary Louise Coulouris
In stock: 1 available
Product Details
Weight: 0.30 kg

Artist: Mary Louise Coulouris

Title of Art: City

Size: 245 mm x 323 mm

Medium: Copperplate Etching & Aquatint

Description: City, 1979. A now-rare 1970s print, probably of Glasgow, this exuberant architectural composition places human figures in a dense crowd within the exaggerated foreground. One of Coulouris’ teachers at Slade was LS Lowry: she remained a lifelong admirer of his work and themes, echoed here. Her emerging expertise in steel etching and experimental use of coloured inks produces dense, mysterious shadows within the city, which nevertheless has its new skyline of high-rise blocks and factories lifted by a grey sky. Old and new are starkly contrasted in an observational, rather than critical way. The thrusting shape of the new block seeming to energise the picture while the old house, in a Scottish tenement style, holds its own alone in the middle ground.

Want to have it framed?
Please email us at gallery@cavershampictureframer.co.uk and we will be in touch to discuss options.

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