Japanese Woodblock Prints

We have a collection of fascinating Japanese Woodblock Prints in the gallery. See them below, and get in touch (gallery@cavershampictureframer.co.uk) if you’d like any information on framing them!

Tool Makers Factory- Sheffield

The alleyway between the workshops and storage areas at an abandoned tool makers factory in Sheffield.
In stock: 1 available
Product Details
Weight: 0.30 kg

Artist: Matt Emmett (find out more)

Medium: Limited Edition Print

Size: 500 x 400 mm

The alleyway between the workshops and storage areas at an abandoned tool makers factory in Sheffield. The factory produced tools for leather workers and shoe makers and opened in the early 1800's. This site is a time capsule with raw materials left lying around and drawers full of paperwork. The first floor skybridge that can be seen here cannot be walked through, the wood is rotten and you would end up on the ground below after attempting it.
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