Japanese Woodblock Prints

We have a collection of fascinating Japanese Woodblock Prints in the gallery. See them below, and get in touch (gallery@cavershampictureframer.co.uk) if you’d like any information on framing them!

Asylum Records- Italy

Patient treatment records lie scattered across the floor inside a storage area at a long abandoned psychiatric hospial.
In stock: 1 available
Product Details
Weight: 0.30 kg

Artist: Matt Emmett (find out more)

Medium: Limited Edition Print

Size: 500 x 400 mm

North Valley Art League International Photography Show 2016

Overall Winner - Patient Records

An image of storage cabinets and patient treatment records scattered across the floor at a long abandoned psychiatric hospital in northern Italy won the NVAL award (a California based international award) in 2016.

Patient treatment records lie scattered across the floor inside a storage area at a long abandoned psychiatric hospital in northern Italy. No idea why the records had not been removed when the hospital closed down in 1989. It has the slightly sinister history of being the first hospital in Europe to conduct Prefrontal Lobe Lobotomies. The hospital is also one of the most photogenic places I have been to over the years with amazing vistas around every corner.

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