Emily Gillmor

About Emily

Emily Gillmor takes inspiration from her immediate surroundings, producing confident line drawings. She translates these in the print studio into gorgeous, vibrant screen prints, retaining the strong line from her drawings.

All her work demonstrates her love of line and an interest in pattern. Occasionally the family cat makes an appearance!

Emily grew up in Reading before studying Drawing, Painting and Printmaking at Edinburgh College of Art. After graduating she stayed in Scotland for twelve years, was a member of the Edinburgh Printmakers Workshop, lived in Glasgow and then moved to Russia, living in Moscow for five years. Emily is now back in Reading with her children, currently working as an Associate Lecturer at Reading University.

She has deep artistic roots in the town of Reading. Her Great Grandfather A.W. Seaby was the first Professor of Fine Art at Reading University and her father, Robert Gillmor, was a well known artist and linocut printmaker and alumni of Reading University.

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Watch Emily's Screenprinting Demonstration

Emily did a live screenprinting demo at her exhibition event at The Caversham Picture Framer, click the button below to watch!

Screenprinting demo