Memorabilia picture framing Reading

Framing Memorabilia

Framing Memorabilia is about framing memories, pieces of family history, or objects which have a special significance. These come in every shape and size, from sport shirts, medals, and sporting paraphernalia to wedding memories, militaria, plates, and historical artefacts, to name a few. Every project has its own challenges and needs a unique approach. Creativity is of vital importance when finding the best solution to framing memorabilia.

We are often called on for framing memorabilia and will always find the solution which is right for you. Please come into our shop, call on 01189481610, or email to find out more about our services and how we can help with your project.

Framing Memorabilia in Reading

Preserving for The Future

The basic principles of conservation framing are always applied when we frame memorabilia. We only use acid free materials to prevent damage to the artwork and use reversible processes when practical. We also help you choose the appropriate protection from the damaging effects of light with our range of specialty glass. Mostly we recommend the use of our anti-reflective glass because it presents 3D items so well. This glass comes with 99% or 70% UV protection. The level of UV protection, which hinders sun bleaching, is a choice we will help you with when considering your individual project.

The key challenges when framing memorabilia, are the shape and size of the objects to be framed, and therefore choosing a frame which will accommodate them and a method of holding them in the frame which will structurally work is vital. We will always give this careful thought, and discuss any special challenges with you.

Framing Wedding Memories in Reading

Unique Displays

The range of memorabilia is vast: everything from plates, tiles, spoons, guitars, taxidermy, shells. Each project brings new challenges and new display designs. Whatever it is, we will be able to help guide you through the different decisions necessary to make the perfect display of your memories.

Framing football shirts in Reading

Sports Shirts

Sports shirts are stretched over acid free mountcard before being pinned to another piece of your chosen colour. We will help you make the aesthetic decisions necessary and choose the right glass for you. We will help you frame your football shirt so that it looks good and lasts for generations.

Militaria framed in Reading


Militaria can be very complex to frame right. We will guide you through the decisions necessary to make your collection look amazing now and in the future. We will help you make difficult decisions on the correct type of conservation glass for your items.

When it comes to framing all of your militaria will be mounted and framed as conservationally as is practical. We use acid free reversible glues and tapes, and often stitch or tag items. Come in today to discuss how your military memorabilia can be framed.