Looking towards the summer and autumn this year we are all dreaming of restarting our social calendars. Events, holidays, and weddings will hopefully all make an appearance. Many of these will offer the opportunity for the usual spur of the moment purchases including a variety of artworks to adorn our walls. However, a wedding needs to be planned.
We have done some beautiful projects for and as a result of weddings. For the big day we have made signs, table names, and guestbooks. If you want a mount for guests to sign we are also happy to make a mount. Some of these we have then gone on to frame. They always look like the most perfect memento of the wedding.

We pride ourselves on being able to frame 3D objects that look amazing and will be protected to last. Below is a picture of one project we undertook with dried flowers and bunting. We have also framed other items of clothing including gloves, scarfs, and ceremonial jewellery. You can learn more about how we frame memorabilia here.

Please contact us for more information about all the types of framing we can do in our wedding package. We look forward to making every event that bit more special this year.